sunnuntai 24. elokuuta 2008

Kesäsahti - Summer sahti

Kesäsahti = Summer sahti

Kesäsahti (freely translated "summer sahti") is a totally new product. The alcohol percent 5,5 is lower than in a traditional sahti which usually is around 8 %. Sahti is sold in a 33 cl glass bottle and the price is 3,20 €.

You can buy this sahti from Heila - the one and only store in the world. Thanks to Finnish alcohol policy. Heila is a local food store located in Heinola (Finland). Local wines and surprisingly sahti are made and sold in this market place. Anyhow, it is great that people don't give up. Struggling for living food culture, including sahti, is worth doing!

I am so happy to know that summer sahti will be followed by "autumn sahti" and then most probably darker "Christmas sahti".

Even if the taste of summer sahti is different from traditional sahti and therefore divides so called sahti people, I warmly welcome summer sahti and recommed to taste it!

maanantai 11. elokuuta 2008

Marjo-Kaisa Piiroinen is the best sahti brewer 2008

Marjo-Kaisa Piiroinen from Kirkkonummi, Southern Finland, won the 1. prize of the sahti competition year 2008. The competion was in Kuhmoinen on 9th August. There was 37 finalists around Finland.

The results, 2008:
1. Marjokaisa Piiroinen, Kirkkonummi
2. Pekka Uusilähteenmäki, Mouhijärvi
3. Kauko Kuusisto, Jämijärvi
4. Jukka Vierimaa, Kalajoki
5. Niilo Ahonen, Luhanka
6. Tapani Lähde, Lammi

The winner Marjo-Kaisa Piiroinen and the wooden prizes.

In the end of the competition there was six sahtis to taste and estimate.

The jury is working.

Heikki Riutta from Sysmä won the best brewer of sahti in year 2006.

The sahti from Joutsa, Mid Finland. The colour is lighter than in Western Finland where the rye is often used as an ingredient. In Mid Finland most of the brewers use only barley.

The favourite of this blog writer was Niilo Ahonen from Luhanka. He was 5th in a competition. Congratulations!!!

torstai 7. elokuuta 2008

Sahti brewing competition

The best sahti brewer in Finland 2008 will be selected in Kuhmoinen, Mid-Finland on Saturday 9th August.

The competitors (= finalists) are the winners of the 30 local competitions. Even this blog writer did brew sahti in one these local competitions but as a beginner did not succeed. More practise is absolutely needed.

Good luck for every brewer!