The Best Beer of the Year 2008 Lammi's Sahti in Lahti Harbour (Sahtimessi).
At the moment there is nothing but good news! Sahti won an annual competition of the best beer in Finland. There was even more than 150 competitors. Lammi's sahti was the number one!
Second, in May the Urho's Pub in downtown in Helsinki had a sahti week. In practise it was a heaven for sahti lovers. Many alternatives e.g. from Helsinki (! brewer was Esa Mustonen from St. Urho's Pub), Hartola, Joutsa (personally I would rank this as a number one), Pori and Lammi were in a selection. Finlandia Strong from Lammi won the best commercial sahti of the year competition. Unfortunately there had been some problems in making "stone sahti" in Hollola (Hollolan Hirvi) and it was not sold.
Third, finally you can buy sahti from Alkos (liquer store in Finland) easier than ever. It took some time but now even in Sysmä you can have an excellent, ready made sahti straight from Alko.
Thanks for the media which has noticed the sahti and its beauty!
P.S. In early May I visited Savonlinna . Unfortunately sahti is still unknown in East Finland. Even if there is a Master of Sahti (year 2000) as a brewer, sahti did not include in a selection as nobody buys it. Maybe in summer time...