sunnuntai 24. elokuuta 2008
Kesäsahti - Summer sahti
maanantai 11. elokuuta 2008
Marjo-Kaisa Piiroinen is the best sahti brewer 2008
The results, 2008:
1. Marjokaisa Piiroinen, Kirkkonummi
2. Pekka Uusilähteenmäki, Mouhijärvi
3. Kauko Kuusisto, Jämijärvi
4. Jukka Vierimaa, Kalajoki
5. Niilo Ahonen, Luhanka
6. Tapani Lähde, Lammi
The winner Marjo-Kaisa Piiroinen and the wooden prizes.
torstai 7. elokuuta 2008
Sahti brewing competition
The competitors (= finalists) are the winners of the 30 local competitions. Even this blog writer did brew sahti in one these local competitions but as a beginner did not succeed. More practise is absolutely needed.
Good luck for every brewer!
torstai 10. heinäkuuta 2008
Panimoravintola Huvila - Sahti & Savonlinna Opera Festival
Huvila Sahti is surprisingly bottled! The bottle size is 0,33 litres. In a picture you can see the foam after pouring. The personnel doesn't seem to be familiar with this rare product...
The colour is in the middle: it is not light but it is not dark either. The taste isVery sweat.
I had two real sahti experts as a company. The other one thought that the age of this sahti is maximum 1 week and the other one thought that it can't be excluded that syrup or other "extra" ingridients had been used.
Anyhow, we all did rank this commercial sahti high. It has a positevely unique nature.
The price is the highest I have ever seen: 9,00 e/0,33 l. I do admit that is is worth it and people should start thinking of the price of the wine. But to be honest, I had to call back and assure if the price Really is this high. In the phone the personnel argued the price with the high alcohol procent (10,4 %). So Finnish! I would say that people who can buy this expensive beer for sure have other arguments than alcohol.
Hopefully the price will not block testing but will enhance the value sahti deserves.
perjantai 27. kesäkuuta 2008
Mid Summer Festival
maanantai 16. kesäkuuta 2008
Wedding sahti in Kuhmoinen
Most probably this sahti would not have a success in a competitions because of the colour. People are so used to darker colour. But I would say this sahti defenitely belongs to the first class. As other beers also sahti has differences with colours.